Table of Contents

Setup Your Local Qri Repository


This guide will cover setting up a local Qri repository and linking its identity to a Qri Cloud account. The first step is required for creating datasets, the second step is necessary to enable pushing datasets to



Step 1: Run Qri Setup

After first installing Qri, most qri commands will not be available until you run qri setup

$ qri list
no qri repo exists
have you run 'qri setup'?

Run qri setup, which will prompt for a username. If you're not planning to use Qri Cloud, you can enter any username here. If you plan to use Qri Cloud, you'll choose a unique username during the signup process that will overwrite the default username.

$ qri setup
choose username (leave empty to generate a default name):
set up qri repo at: /Users/some-user/.qri
$ qri list
you have no datasets

After setup, qri list will show that your repository is empty, and you're ready to start creating datasets.

You can create a Qri Cloud account and link it with your local repository in one command with qri registry signup.

$ qri registry signup --email [email protected] --username some-user
user some-user created on registry, connected local key

If you already have an account on, you can link a local qri repository to it using qri registry prove

Note: qri registry prove can only be used on a new local repository, where a user has run qri setup but hasn't pulled or saved any datasets. This is because prove will pull down your identity from cloud and overwrite what's in the local repository

$ qri registry prove --email [email protected] --username some-user
password: ********
proved user some-user to registry, connected local key

You're ready to start pushing and pulling Qri Datasets!

Try qri pull nyc-transit-data/turnstile_daily_counts_2020 to pull a dataset. Once you have it, try qri get body nyc-transit-data/turnstile_daily_counts_2020 to inspect the dataset body.

Additional Resources